The per capita GDP of USA is 47,284 USD. That of India is 3500 USD or about 1/14th of of USA. Obviously, it has a bearing on what our companies earn per employees. E.g. the per employee earning for Citibank and the BPO in India that works for it are vastly different. It therefore stands reason that the BPO cannot afford to invest as much in its infrastructure as the American bank. These companies must therefore be looking for IT infrastructure that are far less expensive.
To start with, software now forms a larger and larger part of the IT budget and it can therefore also be the part that offers the greatest amount of cost savings. Open source software is increasing becoming a very credible alternative.
Secondly, not just the BPO, but most companies in India usually have to go through a large number of small value transactions. While, this means that there can be little compromise on provisioning for capacity, the hardware used to build the IT infrastructure can be less specialised and more generic and therefore lower in cost.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
How to destress
First of all learn to forgive yourself. Sometimes, we are too hard on ourselves.
While life and living is about exerting yourself to bring out your best. Sometimes we are in too much of a hurry. Sometimes we define excellence and success and happiness too narrowly. Sometimes we lose sight of that which is special in us. In the process, subjecting ourselves to undertake things that we may not like the most or be the best at. Or do things that is out of tune with our rhythm and pace in life.
Forgive yourself, because even the most talented people fail. Even the most talented people have to try repeatedly. Even the most talented of people have to go through the grind.
Forgive yourself. Because you are more than your mistakes. You are more than your limitations. You are more than your failures. You are more than anything that can be said about you.
Forgive yourself and be happy. Forgive yourself and look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. The past is dead and gone.
While life and living is about exerting yourself to bring out your best. Sometimes we are in too much of a hurry. Sometimes we define excellence and success and happiness too narrowly. Sometimes we lose sight of that which is special in us. In the process, subjecting ourselves to undertake things that we may not like the most or be the best at. Or do things that is out of tune with our rhythm and pace in life.
Forgive yourself, because even the most talented people fail. Even the most talented people have to try repeatedly. Even the most talented of people have to go through the grind.
Forgive yourself. Because you are more than your mistakes. You are more than your limitations. You are more than your failures. You are more than anything that can be said about you.
Forgive yourself and be happy. Forgive yourself and look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. The past is dead and gone.
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